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Rabbeinu Yitzchak b"R Yosef on Bereishis רבינו יצחק ב"ר יוסף - בראשית

Rabbeinu Yitzchak b"R Yosef on Bereishis רבינו יצחק ב"ר יוסף - בראשית

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It has been perhaps 500 years since we have merited a new commentary on the Torah written during the life of the Rashba. 

Rabbeinu Yitzchak the son of Rabbeinu Yitzchak was a close associate of the Rashba. He cites many unique peirushim which he heard from the Rashba. He also cites many additional commentaries from other great commentators, including: Rabbeinu Chananel, Rav Shmuel ben Chafni Gaon, and Rabbeinu Yitzchak Aderes, [The commentary of Rabbeinu Chananel on the Torah, published in various forms over the generations, was created using this manuscript. However, as one can see in the introduction, based on this manuscript we are able to improve the previous editions of the Peirush Rabbeinu Chananel.] As one can see in the footnotes, he is clearly a source for Rabbeinu Bachya, Rabbeinu Yehoshua ibn Shauib (whose commentary on the Torah has numerous editions with great textual variations and should merit a new edition), and the Peirush referred to as Sodos HaRamban meyuchas to Rabbi Meir ibn Sula (the introduction and addendum to the work goes to great length explaining the relationship between the two works).  

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The first publication of a manuscript peirush on sefer Bereishis from Rabbeinu Yitzchak bar Rav Yosef (the Rivi).

The explanation of the Rivi is a fascinating explanation of the Torah written by an acquaintance of the Rashba. He was also a Rebbe of Rabbi Yitzchak d'min Acco (Rabbi Isaac of Acre), the author of Me'iras Eynayim.

Aside from the Rivi's unique interpretations, the sefer is invaluable for the Rivi brings new insights he himself heard from the Rashba. These insights were not published anywhere else. Additionally, the Rivi quotes previously unkown insights from the manuscripts of Rabbeinu Chananel's explanation on Chumash, as well as Rav Shmuel Ben Chafni Gaon's peirush on Chumash.

The sefer is beautifully elucidated, and the numerous footnotes contain a plethora of sources on numerous topics.

The Sefer contains Haskamos from the Rivivos Ephraim as well as Rabbi Yochanan Zweig and Rabbi Yehuda Krauss.

359 pages, including a 40-page intro. Hard-cover. All Hebrew.