

The following pages were removed from the Amazon edition of our Kinnos Sefer and are available free here.


The following pages were removed from the Amazon edition of our Kinnos Sefer and are available free here.

Red strings in Judaism

One of Rabbi Zecharia Holzer's articles revealed many ancient sources for red strings. The articles are available for download here: Link to the original article (Koveitz Etz Chaim volume 24, 2015). Link...

Red strings in Judaism

One of Rabbi Zecharia Holzer's articles revealed many ancient sources for red strings. The articles are available for download here: Link to the original article (Koveitz Etz Chaim volume 24, 2015). Link...

The Rav's impact with the world

Reb Soloveichik some called him father, uncle, grandpa but to many he was called "The Rav" ( a Hebrew word meaning "teacher" or "master".) The Woman Behind the Great Rabbi:...

The Rav's impact with the world

Reb Soloveichik some called him father, uncle, grandpa but to many he was called "The Rav" ( a Hebrew word meaning "teacher" or "master".) The Woman Behind the Great Rabbi:...